Went to hiatus for some time xD
Thanks to my princess life again plus another new sem had just started..
I am just too lazy to update this bloggie but still, I have to finish this entry so I can post new entry..
So now is the time to update this bloggie a bit.. everything will just be brief, since it is a very long gap between this post and the previous one..
Lets start updating from the previous blog..
25th July to 27th July
Three days of final..
Three papers, three days..
Suffer a lot during the three days, since subjects I took are all core subjects..
But the happy news is, I passed! =D
28th July
My big day!
Have a post birthday celebration with all my belated jimui at Frames, Sunway Pyramid..
Oh boy.. it will be a very long post for this.. =)
So that day I went to Pyramid earlier to meet up with my very best pal, Ivy for a walk..
Ivy brought her *ehem* escort too xD
But ended up bought nothing cause already in deep red =(
And walk not much too.. *stupid high heels*
My happiest moment, is when watching my friends come over walking towards me one by one =')
Such a long time we don't have big biggie gathering like this..
And they all came because of me having my 21st birthday dinner =) i love you girls
So when half of the people is there, we went into Frames..
Very small restaurant yet beautifully decorated..
Once we sat down, we just keep chit chatting until forget ordering..
The waiter have to wait there and finally I think he fed up waiting for us, so he asked for us to order first before continue with our chit chatting =p
Have happy moments chewing good food, and having quality time with jimui =)

More photos on facebook ;)
For our group, having 2nd round is an usual tradition..
So after Frames, they planned to go Opera since it was only opposite Frames and it was Lady Night that day!
Omg! My 'virginity' to club! xD
But luckily at last they changed their mind and we went to Murni SS2 for a tea session =p
My virginity to club still here teehee! =)
Only Thatcher knows how to go Murni so she be the leader lead us to there..
Thatcher parked her car at CP7, mine at CP6 and Charlie's at CP5..
So she drive down and lead us one by one to Murni haha..
So the chat session continue there..
Around 1am+, we all went back..
Still thanks girls for coming, some coming after work and some coming right after class..
I appreciated it a lot..
And so now, pressie time!! xD

First pressie received is from Jesz and Charlie..
A pinkie tumbler!
Just nice since I wanted to find a new one replacing my mine tupperware tumbler! =)
And now I get it as my birthday gift! =)
Thanks Jesz and Charlie!
A pinkie tumbler!
Just nice since I wanted to find a new one replacing my mine tupperware tumbler! =)
And now I get it as my birthday gift! =)
Thanks Jesz and Charlie!

And next is Paris Hilton purse from Jovey and Alven..
Ahh.. what can I say..
Thanks so much girl.. =)
But feel a little uneasy to use it, since I scared I will dirty it..
All purse or bag which is at my hand will get dirtied, regardless white or dark in color =(
Ahh.. what can I say..
Thanks so much girl.. =)
But feel a little uneasy to use it, since I scared I will dirty it..
All purse or bag which is at my hand will get dirtied, regardless white or dark in color =(

A necklace from Ivy, Jian Qin and Ah Lai..
It is a R pendant there too! =)
Oh my oh my..
First present received which symbolize myself ;)
Thanks so much..
I had a similar necklace before, but the R is broken =(
But now I got a new one yay! =)
It is a R pendant there too! =)
Oh my oh my..
First present received which symbolize myself ;)
Thanks so much..
I had a similar necklace before, but the R is broken =(
But now I got a new one yay! =)

A chocolate from Ivy's *escort*
Ohh.. he is the least expected to give me a gift!
Since I knew him only on that day!
But he knew about me a lot, thanks to Ivy =.=
And vy-vy, don't you dare to dump him, I like this boyfriend of yours :p
And I finished the chocolate on the night itself xD
What, no fridge in my hostel, me being nice and scare it melted and it will then wasted the chocolate so I finish it as soon as possible =P
Ohh.. he is the least expected to give me a gift!
Since I knew him only on that day!
But he knew about me a lot, thanks to Ivy =.=
And vy-vy, don't you dare to dump him, I like this boyfriend of yours :p
And I finished the chocolate on the night itself xD
What, no fridge in my hostel, me being nice and scare it melted and it will then wasted the chocolate so I finish it as soon as possible =P

This color make up set is from Thatcher, Shereen, Mei and ah dear CCT!
I love it a lot!
Bet it is either Sher or Cher who picked it for me :)
Now I have more choice of color when come to paint my eyelids now muahaha =)
I love it a lot!
Bet it is either Sher or Cher who picked it for me :)
Now I have more choice of color when come to paint my eyelids now muahaha =)

And this cute puppy doll is from Wen Man..
Aww.. I miss her a lot!
Like ages since I last saw her =)
This puppy doll is actually roll paper holder..
Lol cute right..
Something funny with Man that day..
She rushed to Frames right after work..
And being polite, she called me to inform that she will be late..
Aww.. I miss her a lot!
Like ages since I last saw her =)
This puppy doll is actually roll paper holder..
Lol cute right..
Something funny with Man that day..
She rushed to Frames right after work..
And being polite, she called me to inform that she will be late..
Man : 啊林,我刚放工。现在traffic jam。。*and blahblahblah, I can't remember*
Me : 那你是不到还是迟到?*in heart praying that she will come*
Man : 哎呀!我当然会来啦,是迟到而已。
Lol.. kinda funny that time, I was so scared that she will give up coming since she is stuck in the traffic jam
Thats for the day.. =)
30th July
Back to Raub to enjoy my princess life!
First two weeks I was enjoying myself in home with all the HK movies and unlimited internet speed and then for the rest of my 'holiday', I have to help my mom out at her shop lol
8th to 12th August
I was at Kuantan at that time for some training related to my mom's work..
No one is going so I am the best candidate -.-
Thought it will be super boring but people there is friendly!
I love them a lot =)
Not to mention the food too!
19th August 2011
Bf came to my hometown..
And I celebrated his birthday although it had been a past..
His birthday fall on 13th August but I am not there to celebrate with him =(
In fact he said no one celebrated with him =(
His 21st birthday is like other ordinary days..
I am so sorry that I am not celebrating with you, not even preparing a gift for you..
I felt bad..
My fault on never plan things well and never save ahead =(
Anyway, I bought a cake for him but no birthday song was sang and no candle-blowing..
He said that it is not good to blow candle after one's birthday..
Even you want give him a gift, you must not mention that the gift is for the birthday..
23th to 24th August
Back to INTI just for the enrollment..
Stupid INTI does not have online enrollment system, making me drive 2.5 hours back just to enroll..
Not attending any class, since it was only the first week and the next week is holiday due to Raya, so I just went back the next day..
2th September
A bbq party at jesz's house!
For gathering and moon cake festival..
Have great fun and laughter that night..
Being with you girls is the happiest moment..
The feeling is different when we have all sort of gathering in the fancy restaurants..
At home, we can dress as simple as we want, shout at each other and running there and here like children =)

All of us. Oh wait, Charlie was not in, he was the photographer haha. Picture stolen from onlyjesz.blogspot.com =)
5th September
Mom's birthday! =)
Bf was there to celebrate it with us
He even cooked us western style dinner as celebration dinner and I forget to take picture for the delicious dinner -.-
Mom was surprised, because she thought we forgot bout her birthday!
Lol it was all part of plan :p
No pressie for mom, cause in deep red =(
Mummy, I will buy you a new bag for Christmas pressie!

Want to know what's wrong with the birthday cake? My bro took it out from fridge and don't know why it fell down from his grip. And this is what the cake looks like =.=
6th September
Back to INTI.. holiday ended just like that >.<
I want back my princess life!
And so, busy life started..
14th September
My jimui Jovey's birthday dinner celebration!
Happy birthday Jovey =D
Felt proud of myself that day, cause I went to Doink's house alone, although get lost in the journey and need them to come out and guide me =.=
But still, now I know how to go her house next time..
And we went to a Mexican restaurant, Las Carretas..
Nice food there whey!

Most photos are from onlyjesz.blogspot.com
I don't have a good camera like she have, or her bf have =( I want one too..
21st September
Something important happened..
But I am not sure whether I should talk bout it at public..
Perhaps I should keep to myself first and will talk about it when the time comes =)
26th September
Went to Sunway Pyramid with bf, Poon and Hazel to celebrate her birthday
Happy birthday Poon!
So many people birthday in this entry -.-
Went to Tony Roma to have dinner, second time here =)
After dinner we went for movie, Johnny English Reborn
Haha my beloved Mr Bean =)

So that's what happen until now..
Such a long entry here, hope readers don't mind..
It is already short for a single post that cramps all the things happened in few months kay?
This few weekend I kept going back hometown, because bf brought his car back to overhaul..
It is cheaper back in my hometown..
So we kept going to and fro to hometown to check out the car, to send the car to another mechanic after the previous one is done..
And to think I will post a bit of the car's photos after it was all done..
Another month to go for the reborn of bf's baby =D
Nothing special happen..
Just becoming nerd Ruby again..
Will continue study after this post..
It is quite hard to adapt into nerd mode again after a month holiday =(
Anyway, wish myself luck!
Aka aka fighting!!
Will update soon! ;)
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