a day where i am free from tiring classes..
a day where i supposed to do my assignment, study for test..
i am having this problem lately..
the hard-to-concentrate and lazy problems..
oh gosh..
i just wasted my whole day surfing to the net..
searching and looking for nonsense things when i suppose to study..
what the heck happen to me..
feel very depressed now..
want to study so much..
but just too lazy and hard to focus..
something will just pull me away from my notes and assignment..
and i will just follow it..
put away my notes and assignment, doing nonsense whole day long..
dont even do something useful..
dont even rest by take a nap..
dont even exercise outside..
dont even do a facial mask..
just sit in front of laptop, searching for useless website..
am i useless then?
why am i so lazy and useless..?
bet really have to seek for advice from consultant..
i am a weirdo too..
people hates seeing consultant while me try to get to see her..
save me..
my nerd mode..
come back to me please..
i have lots of assignments and tests waiting ahead..
cant let the time fly away..
i want to be a nerd now!
want to pass!
want to get As!
want to be hardworking!
nerd mode.. where are you..?

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