Went to hiatus for sometimes again..
Well.. what to do.. a month before this, I was having this tonsillitis for a week plus..
And then the mid term break started..
And right after the break is the submission date for assignments and tests..
So the busy life continues till now.. no, in fact I am still busy..
But feel like updating the blog, so why don't take a break? =)
As I mentioned in previous post before, 111111 was my 3rd anniversary with bf =)
So at the day itself, we went to our favourite duck rice restaurant for lunch and then we headed to Tutti Frutti for desserts..
Believe me if you step into the duck rice restaurant, you don't feel like sitting there for long time and even to order for drinks
But I promised it serves the best duck rice ever!

We both decide to go simple with the celebration and the next day, we went to Sunway Pyramid..
Ahh.. how long was it since we went to shopping mall just to walk around?
Every time we went for an outing, it will have the 'official purpose' there..
Mostly because of his business or work or some other important stuff..
When he came fetch me, I gave him the presents that I last-minutely prepared lol..
Rushing here and there but still can't give it to him on the official day :(

All bought and prepared at very last minute..
The pillow was prepared a week before and the 'book' was prepared only few days before the day..
Diesel perfume, Bros tumbler and the Iko biscuits was bought a day before anniversary..
I had to make a big lie to him so that I can go to Jusco Seremban without getting suspected :p
For me, the most meaningful is the 'book' where the it had recorded our journey since the day we get together until now in the 25 pages of writing and pictures..
I was having hard time writing out all the moments as I have poor memory and lack of pictures describing the moments..
But still, all the hard works pay off as he told me, he didn't even know that we have been through that much to come to here, 111111 =)
Yeah.. I didn't realize it too.. until I force myself to recall each events and moments and editing pictures to complete the book for both of us..
We were both carried away by the hectic life and we tend to forget what we have been through to make who are we today, so it is good to actually have something that can remind us about the path that we had been through =)
I think I will withdraw back the statement that he didn't buy me anything for the anniversary..
He bought me a meal in Bubba Gump, few singlets from Forever21 and a bracelet from Kitschen

Three days after the day, there was another gathering with my jimui for the bleated birthday celebration for Ivy, Kyle and Arsh at Allegro Cafe..
Went out early on that day because bf had to go SS15 to apply for overseas universities..
At around 6pm, he dropped me at doink's house and there, SS session started :p

Around 8pm+, we went to Allegro Cafe =)
The first gathering since my birthday gathering at July..
We were all busy with studies and all of us came with the date after like almost 2 months of discussing the date to gather..
I am so sorry to the 3 birthday people as I didn't buy anything for them :(
Will buy them presents when I am free >.<
Nice decorations and excellent service at the cafe but too bad variety of foods is too little..
No photos taken from me *I want a good digital camera!* let's wait for the pro to upload the photos :p
And as usual, 2nd round was held at Taipei Taipei, a not bad place to hang around but I hate that they allow smoking in the air-cond room lol
But this time, due to most of us was busy with academic, only 5 attended the 2nd round - Lai, Jovey, Shereen, Thatcher and me
Not so perfect gathering at the time as most of us were busy but will look forward for another gathering for the December baby at year end, where everyone is free =)
Ok, that to head with my oh-so-busy life
Will update soon! =)