another weekend here!
hey world :)
nothing special happen recently..
so can't really submit a post :p
so the post today is actually to share an amazing discover of mine with my girls!! :D
the story starts with yesterday night where i slept without removing my contact lens and eyeliner, again!
i was thinking of taking a nap..
as i had actually can't focus on my tutorial and i was extremely tired last night..
so after my dinner, i took a 'nap'..
i supposed to wake at 12am to go for basketball and yamcha session with my dear and friends..
who knows..
not even phone calls can wake me up..!
usually i can be easily woke by phone calls..
so with that i skipped the yamcha and basketball session..
and slept till 3am..
when i was awake, my eyes were extremely pain due to the contact lens..
then immediately have to remove the lens lo..
after resting a while, then have to remove the eyeliner i wore..
and here is the stuff i want to share..!
i had bought a very, very super duper good eye and lip makeup remover..!
here is the picture of this amazing eye and lip makeup remover! :D
i am so sorry for the quality of the picture..
i am just using a 5MP digital camera which i bought like 5 years ago..?
and i am not a pro in using camera and taking pictures from their best angle..
so please bear with me with all those pictures..
i am trying hard to improve it!
so, yup..
it is the eye and lips makeup remover from Artistry!!
i am loving it so so much!!
only a few drops can remove your eye make up effectively!
and the great part is after you apply it on your eyes, it would not look greasy and oily!
so i THINK it is okay to go out for a night walk after removing your eye makeup and before cleansing the face..
well, i think only..
because your eyes will look so clean after using it, like you never apply anything on your eyes!
i haven't try it before..
usually when i remove my makeup, i will take a shower and cleanse my face and then sleep!! xD
so, where to get this product?
well.. it is actually from a direct selling company, Amway.. so you can get it from your distributor friend :)
how much is this product? is it expensive?
well.. for customer price it is RM61.. if you have distributor friend, you may get cheaper price.. i know the member price for this but not going to say it out here :) don't want to be the market spoiler! :p
and no, i am not promoting for the company, i don't get a single cent of promoting it..
just that i found it really amazing that i think i should share it out..
i had tried few brands before i actually decided to give this a try..
before i had tried eye and lip makeup remover by Maybelline, Loreal and even baby oil!
Maybelline is so-so only.. can't really remove the makeup effectively unless you apply lots of it, which will then lead to wastage.. me PERSONALLY will not recommend this.. sorry Maybelline fans!
Loreal is a quite good brand! it is a almost perfect makeup remover except that it is quite greasy.. have to go wash face immediately after using it.. available at almost all convenience stores.. i cant really remember the price but should be cheap, under RM25 :) rating 8/10..
so, why would i switch my brand to Artistry..?
once, i have saw a youtube video post by the Michelle Phan *:D*, saying that her friend who work at E*tee L*uder makeup factory had told her that the factory has to frequently replace the giant bins used to mix the eye makeup formula because of the corrosion in the bins caused by the formula!
omg.. can you imagine.. those well-known-for-being-expensive product is actually corrosive..
so can you imagine how about the eye makeup remover at lower price..? :(
Michelle Phan is actually using extra virgin olive oil for removing eye makeup..
i think it will be great too, since baby oil also can remove eye makeup, so extra virgin olive oil will do better huh..?
but one thing i hate about the oil is they are too oily and greasy..
i will get into deep troubles also if i got the oil into my eyes..
experienced once before, it was no fun at all! :(
so i decided to give it a try on other brand..
and i choose this particular brand!
i hear that they are using natural substances to create the formula..
i heard that Lancome is nice too, i would like to give it a try too but i just can't afford it! :(
what do you expect from a student who not even having a part time job..?
so after thinking for two months, yes, two months, i finally bought it..
RM61 for 120ml makeup remover is actually quite a burden for me..
laugh at me, say that i am stingy, i don't mind!
as i said, what do you expect from a poor student like me..?
but now, i have no regret on buying this! :D
am loving it so so much..
if you are going for a more natural option, baby oil will be great too.. just have to cleanse your face immediately after using it..
and if you are only applying a very thin eyeliner, you can give a try on Vaseline too! :)
i had done some research, they said Vaseline can remove eye makeup too!
so.. based on my own experience, Vaseline is only great if you are only wearing a thin line of eyeliner..
just use a cotton bud, dip it into the Vaseline and start apply it right on your eyeliner.. it will effectively remove them :)
if your eyes were painted with waterproof mascara, eyeshadow and eyeliner, don't use Vaseline..
it will worsen your eye makeup..
beside removing eye makeup, it can also act as skin lotion..
and oh, did i mention that i love using Vaseline as my lip balm or clear lip gloss..? :)
so, see.. it is a multi-purpose gel..!
it is available at almost all convenience stores and it is cheap too!
i can't remember the price but it should be around RM10++ :)
so yeah, it is the eye makeup remover that i wanted to share..
this post should be posted this morning at 3am++ after i remove my eye makeup..
but i am just too lazy :p
and please bear in mind that these was all based on my very own opinion and experiences..
you guys can carry on with the makeup remover you guys use..
it was just a sharing..
cause since i found something good, then i have to share with my besties right..? :)
so this is all for this post..
will update later!
tata world! ;)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
the friend
another post woot!! :)
so i keep my 'promise' to update the blog eh..
last weekend went back to home, a place that i felt loved most :]
there were still lotss of cny cookies at home..
for 2 days i was staying at home, i can't even touch 1/4 of those cookies!!
hehe.. bought too much will lead to wastage ya..
this post was supposed to be updated yesterday but i had to attend an important friend of mine :) so i just keep the blog aside for him..
lets begin my last weekend's journey now..
18th Feb, last friday..
we went back after the lunch..
and yes, my dear skipped his 4pm class again, but not because of the going-back-home stuff..
it was like he never had a 4pm class on friday every week :p if you get what i mean..
so we depart, i drove and we reached raub, and we went for a post-cny dinner at Happiness Restaurant! yay! :)
too bad.. both of my brothers were working so only mummy, daddy, dear and me had the dinner..
for the first dinner i had with my family, i actually brought a digital camera and used it!
*affected by my jimui who are so damn crazy bout photography..*
i hope to collect more series of photographs with the people i love..
once, i saw the photo folders in my jimui's laptop *symone, its you!*
and the number of folders inside were crazy whey!!
you can see the whole folders were full with pictures from dunno-how-many-years ago..
then i saw my photo folders in my lappie..
they were like only two or three of them..??
and i realize, whenever i felt like recalling back all those sweet memories, i have nothing to help me refresh my mind about it..
so i have decided to capture all those sweet memories into the photos that could be stored forever :)
so first step is started with the family i love the most :)
i brought the camera, used it and my parents enjoy it so so much..
it had been a long time since we had captured a picture together :)
so here comes some of the photos..
pork ribs in yolk of duck's egg *sry, you can see its directly translated from chinese :p poor english* rating 8/10
sepat fish with salt sauce! nice! rating 9/10 but if you hate eating salt, then you may rate it lower
19th feb
staying whole day at home, munching snacks :p
home is just like a heaven..
dear cooked us dinner..
probably the most simple dinner that he had ever cook..
its butter prawn and rendang ayam!!!
the butter prawn was fantabulous!
but the rendang ayam still need a bit improvement :)
20th feb
last day at raub..
at first we planned to go for "bu gee mian" as my dear wanted to eat it so much after he watch it at AhXian Food Adventure..
but too bad, we all woke late and have to wait the maid to go back first..
when everyone were done, it is 12pm already..
too bad..
we went to pray at temple near Taman Raub Jaya 6 and had our lunch at Radha Restaurant..
mama at first wanted to go to the restaurant at the estate near highway.. *can't remember the name*
but because it was quite late and all of us are hungry so we delayed the plan till the next time i am back! :)
and so.. thats for the day..
after lunch and rested, dear and me went back to nilai the forest..
at night i posted something on facebook which sounds :
i am pissed that time..
from what he told, he didnt defend me that time..
i mean, normal boyfriend will say something like, "no la.. she is pretty for me.." or "no la.. she might be ugly but her personality is just at the opposite!"
and yet he said nothing and just smiled at his friend!
was pissed at his bastard friend and sad as well..
was i really that ugly that you cant even say a defending word for me..?
anyway, let that off..
i had hear of this like weeks ago and just posted it yesterday..
i am actually ok now, i mean really ok.. just i dont like people judge me from my face..
ok.. really, really let this off..
it is not worth to let my day ruined by an unimportant creature and the main point here is not him..
the main point here is i finally understand the meaning of friend concerning you from afar.. :)
after the post, i have a friend of mine find me in facebook chatbox, asking am i ok and stuff..
of all the people, he was the least expected to give response on my status!
he kept telling me good words and he actually remembered what i told him about myself during our secondary school time..
my tears dropped down at the time..
there are still people concern about me from far away..
i was so touched..
matters that i told him before, was really really minor matter and i cant believe that he still remembered that..
and before that i thought that he hate me, because he was like acting so damn cool during secondary school time and he looked like so annoyed by my childish behaviour..
so.. i really thought of that..
but now i know that i was completely wrong :)
he is a friend that will observe from far..
i thought that friends observing and concern about you from far is only in my imaginary world..
who the hell in reality will have such a time to do so, right?
and i was proven wrong :)
for the first time, i was happy when i was wrong :)
i appreciate all his words though the next moment i see him, he might act so damn cool towards me again.. haha..
and friend, i dont mention your name here because i know you are humble :)
and if you get to see this, i just want to tell you that i will treat 'her' well and i love you, as how i love my jimuis :)
i must prepare for my class now, pray hard no pop quiz at the class later ><"
tata world
so i keep my 'promise' to update the blog eh..
last weekend went back to home, a place that i felt loved most :]
there were still lotss of cny cookies at home..
for 2 days i was staying at home, i can't even touch 1/4 of those cookies!!
hehe.. bought too much will lead to wastage ya..
this post was supposed to be updated yesterday but i had to attend an important friend of mine :) so i just keep the blog aside for him..
lets begin my last weekend's journey now..
18th Feb, last friday..
we went back after the lunch..
and yes, my dear skipped his 4pm class again, but not because of the going-back-home stuff..
it was like he never had a 4pm class on friday every week :p if you get what i mean..
so we depart, i drove and we reached raub, and we went for a post-cny dinner at Happiness Restaurant! yay! :)
too bad.. both of my brothers were working so only mummy, daddy, dear and me had the dinner..
for the first dinner i had with my family, i actually brought a digital camera and used it!
*affected by my jimui who are so damn crazy bout photography..*
i hope to collect more series of photographs with the people i love..
once, i saw the photo folders in my jimui's laptop *symone, its you!*
and the number of folders inside were crazy whey!!
you can see the whole folders were full with pictures from dunno-how-many-years ago..
then i saw my photo folders in my lappie..
they were like only two or three of them..??
and i realize, whenever i felt like recalling back all those sweet memories, i have nothing to help me refresh my mind about it..
so i have decided to capture all those sweet memories into the photos that could be stored forever :)
so first step is started with the family i love the most :)
i brought the camera, used it and my parents enjoy it so so much..
it had been a long time since we had captured a picture together :)
so here comes some of the photos..
19th feb
staying whole day at home, munching snacks :p
home is just like a heaven..
dear cooked us dinner..
probably the most simple dinner that he had ever cook..
its butter prawn and rendang ayam!!!
the butter prawn was fantabulous!
but the rendang ayam still need a bit improvement :)
20th feb
last day at raub..
at first we planned to go for "bu gee mian" as my dear wanted to eat it so much after he watch it at AhXian Food Adventure..
but too bad, we all woke late and have to wait the maid to go back first..
when everyone were done, it is 12pm already..
too bad..
we went to pray at temple near Taman Raub Jaya 6 and had our lunch at Radha Restaurant..
mama at first wanted to go to the restaurant at the estate near highway.. *can't remember the name*
but because it was quite late and all of us are hungry so we delayed the plan till the next time i am back! :)
and so.. thats for the day..
after lunch and rested, dear and me went back to nilai the forest..
at night i posted something on facebook which sounds :
judging me from my appearance, someone told my bf that he deserves someone better than me.. did me look that ugly that i dont deserve judgment from my inner personality..?
ya.. someone told my dear this and my dear told me back..i am pissed that time..
from what he told, he didnt defend me that time..
i mean, normal boyfriend will say something like, "no la.. she is pretty for me.." or "no la.. she might be ugly but her personality is just at the opposite!"
and yet he said nothing and just smiled at his friend!
was pissed at his bastard friend and sad as well..
was i really that ugly that you cant even say a defending word for me..?
anyway, let that off..
i had hear of this like weeks ago and just posted it yesterday..
i am actually ok now, i mean really ok.. just i dont like people judge me from my face..
ok.. really, really let this off..
it is not worth to let my day ruined by an unimportant creature and the main point here is not him..
the main point here is i finally understand the meaning of friend concerning you from afar.. :)
after the post, i have a friend of mine find me in facebook chatbox, asking am i ok and stuff..
of all the people, he was the least expected to give response on my status!
he kept telling me good words and he actually remembered what i told him about myself during our secondary school time..
my tears dropped down at the time..
there are still people concern about me from far away..
i was so touched..
matters that i told him before, was really really minor matter and i cant believe that he still remembered that..
and before that i thought that he hate me, because he was like acting so damn cool during secondary school time and he looked like so annoyed by my childish behaviour..
so.. i really thought of that..
but now i know that i was completely wrong :)
he is a friend that will observe from far..
i thought that friends observing and concern about you from far is only in my imaginary world..
who the hell in reality will have such a time to do so, right?
and i was proven wrong :)
for the first time, i was happy when i was wrong :)
i appreciate all his words though the next moment i see him, he might act so damn cool towards me again.. haha..
and friend, i dont mention your name here because i know you are humble :)
and if you get to see this, i just want to tell you that i will treat 'her' well and i love you, as how i love my jimuis :)
i must prepare for my class now, pray hard no pop quiz at the class later ><"
tata world
Thursday, February 17, 2011
the happening :)
hey world..
finally my bloggie is back from vacation..! :)
supposed to be back a month ago.. but.. lazy-ness conquered me.. :p
so.. lets recap on the events that happened lately! :)
29th January
i woke earlier than the rubber tapper just to drive back home!!
its chinese new year and whole malaysia has 1 week holiday so of course people wants to balik kampung!
so to avoid traffic jam, i just have to wake early and depart earlier..
and i woke at 6:30am and had a breakfast with my dear..
thank you for waking up just to have a breakfast with me :)
then around 8am, i drove back Raub together with joey and zheeann :)
30th Jan
the day started great!
mommy is so happy that i was home..
of course, because i will be the hard labor-clean the house for cny!
and i am more than glad to do it.. though i can't finish cleaning the house till cny.. :(
what do you expect when a house is messy for 15years and i managed to clean at least half of the house in less than a week time..?
and night, there was dinner with my mummy's friends at sin choy hee..
after that, have to rush to a yamcha session at flying!
yay! my jimui's time! :)
and the day passed.. me be maid in house.. went out only to find mama and had lunch with her.. till another gathering! :)
1st Feb
we had a bbq session at symone's house!
only 5 shapo attended it! plus vy-vy who came for only 5min and alex came! lolx..
had very nice chat and gathering over there :)
2nd Feb
time for reunion dinner! :)
unlike other family, we don't have the 'lou sang' tradition..
just a home-cooked dinner with my uncle's family..
3rd Feb
1st day of cny yay!
went to benta and sungai lui
1st went to jianqin's house..
since the living room was booked by her dad, we had no choice but to mess around in her room! :p
lots of photograph taken with her pro dslr xD
and the model doink was so obsessed with the photography session! lolx
happy day! but i forget to steal some of her cookies :(
and the next destination was lingkhee's house..
and like previous year, we watched tv at her house :p
and at night, we went to vy-vy house for fireworks!
love the jelly made by her mum, taste so yumy! :)
then we went to taman bandar.. which i felt uncomfy at there..
imagine 8 girls there at the night in a park..
and a MPV car full of men scares us away =.=
and then we head to sher's house to continue our crazi-ness!
few 'hung ming' lanterns were set up..
hope my wishes come true..
"i wish all the people i love dearly will be happy and healthy everyday(including myself)"
:) i dont need the God to give me wealth, a new lappie, iphone4 or a good grade..
those; i can earn myself..
i just want people that i love; my family, dear and all my friends to be happy and healthy :) (including myself of course, whats the point seeing people happy and healthy when me myself is sad and sick) :p
4th Feb
house-visiting-tradition officially started! :D
the lucky number one house is of course mine!
all those leng lui ar.. promised come at 11:30am de..
last last 1pm something only gathered! =.=
then we all keep moving lo.. after my house is vy-vy's house..
had lunch there! :p
then followed by shereen's house, jesz and doink, alex's and lastly cct's house..
the last house is kind of rush.. because everyone want to go back for dinner..
at night supposed to have chit chat session at cct's house, but i didn't go, too tired :p
wanted to go bed early but still, i slept at 2am.. because stupid sempalit don't have water supply during cny..
during the noon and midnight only got water supply at my place..
so have to wait the water so i can bath and have a good night sleep :)
5th Feb
3rd day of cny.. go no where in the noon..
thought can sleep gao gao in the room de..
mana tau..
10:30am no electricity..
and hot till i wake @.@
nothing goes nice..
then at evening went to Klau for a relative's open house..
then rushed to wen man's open house..
there was gamble session, eating session, photo taking session and gossip session there..
and oh oh, fireworks session there..
we played fireworks like children! so cute! xD

6th feb
very last event before all of us start our hectic life in work or college..
had lou sang session at marrybrown..
yeah, its marrybrown..
and no, marrybrown does not offer any lao sang package..
its us who bring in the yu sang and lau at there..
thanks yue for sponsoring the yu sang :) muahx!
imagine all those people who ate fried chicken there look at you one kind when u stand up and shout all those 'cny words' and lao sang..
lolx.. funny eh
i love this pic! we were bout to leave until dunno-which-lenglui shout "oh there is a big mirror here! shereen, fast, picture!" =.='"
and conclusion that agreed by all is the bunny year is so happening!
the holiday was so short but thanks to our planner doink, we utilize the time wisely! :)
most happening cny among all the years..
hope the next year cny can break this record :)
6th feb is also the last day i stayed at raub..
have to go back to college for study again..
had a long chit chat with mama at the night, since during the big day both of us were busy..
7th feb
it was the day to go back to college..
still in cny mood.. can't focus well..
8th feb
went to midvalley..
dear bought me a diamond ring from Gold Heart..
a pair of rings cost almost rm1000!!!!
crazy.. i never ask for such expensive ring!
but dear said better buy it for me before i start asking for a couple tee la, a couple mug la, a couple bracelet la and so on..
better 'shut' all my request at one time wor!
we have to order and wait the ring for two months because somebody's finger is too fat! :p
10th feb
i dont know why he asked me for a valentine dinner today..
and we went to secret recipe nilai (yes, again there) for valentine dinner..
nothing special..
no doll up myself for few hours in front of the mirror, no special dress, no nothing..
a simple dinner..
and he gave me a surprise gift!
a watch!!
i was planning to take back my spoiled watch for a repair but now i got a new one :)
thank you so much dear! :))
12th feb
went to florence's house..
first time went to a college friend's house..
thanks for inviting, florence :)
her mum's nasi lemak was the best!
and that day i knew that florence is actually a gambler!
thats why there is a proverb : don't judge a book by its cover!
you can never know a person by her look! :p
and that's all happened till today..
thats all for the cny and valentine..
my study was in a mess from after cny till now..
i dont know what's the lecturer was lecturing about and i did not even do my homework!
even my preparation for the FR quiz yesterday was not good!
it was all in a mess..
so today, since i had only one hour class (sucks timetable), i decided to clean up my room and get my notes organized..
i like super neat environment for studying..
and then i will start with my revision and tutorials!
have to catch up!
no more mess after this!
aka aka fighting! :)
and i am going back tomorrow..
have no chance to eat 'nian gao' during the cny, so going to eat it this weekend! muahaha!!
time passed.. today is the chap goh mei, its the end of cny..
sweet memories will stay in mind forever and i will still chase for better moments with all my beloved! :)
hmm.. think that i should stop now..
had been start updating the blog at 9:15pm and it is 11:45pm now!
have to study!
will update soon! :)
tata world!
finally my bloggie is back from vacation..! :)
supposed to be back a month ago.. but.. lazy-ness conquered me.. :p
so.. lets recap on the events that happened lately! :)
29th January
i woke earlier than the rubber tapper just to drive back home!!
its chinese new year and whole malaysia has 1 week holiday so of course people wants to balik kampung!
so to avoid traffic jam, i just have to wake early and depart earlier..
and i woke at 6:30am and had a breakfast with my dear..
thank you for waking up just to have a breakfast with me :)
then around 8am, i drove back Raub together with joey and zheeann :)
30th Jan
the day started great!
mommy is so happy that i was home..
of course, because i will be the hard labor-clean the house for cny!
and i am more than glad to do it.. though i can't finish cleaning the house till cny.. :(
what do you expect when a house is messy for 15years and i managed to clean at least half of the house in less than a week time..?
and night, there was dinner with my mummy's friends at sin choy hee..
after that, have to rush to a yamcha session at flying!
yay! my jimui's time! :)
and the day passed.. me be maid in house.. went out only to find mama and had lunch with her.. till another gathering! :)
1st Feb
we had a bbq session at symone's house!
only 5 shapo attended it! plus vy-vy who came for only 5min and alex came! lolx..
had very nice chat and gathering over there :)
2nd Feb
time for reunion dinner! :)
unlike other family, we don't have the 'lou sang' tradition..
just a home-cooked dinner with my uncle's family..
3rd Feb
1st day of cny yay!
went to benta and sungai lui
1st went to jianqin's house..
since the living room was booked by her dad, we had no choice but to mess around in her room! :p
lots of photograph taken with her pro dslr xD
and the model doink was so obsessed with the photography session! lolx
happy day! but i forget to steal some of her cookies :(
and the next destination was lingkhee's house..
and like previous year, we watched tv at her house :p
and at night, we went to vy-vy house for fireworks!
love the jelly made by her mum, taste so yumy! :)
then we went to taman bandar.. which i felt uncomfy at there..
imagine 8 girls there at the night in a park..
and a MPV car full of men scares us away =.=
and then we head to sher's house to continue our crazi-ness!
few 'hung ming' lanterns were set up..
hope my wishes come true..
"i wish all the people i love dearly will be happy and healthy everyday(including myself)"
:) i dont need the God to give me wealth, a new lappie, iphone4 or a good grade..
those; i can earn myself..
i just want people that i love; my family, dear and all my friends to be happy and healthy :) (including myself of course, whats the point seeing people happy and healthy when me myself is sad and sick) :p
4th Feb
house-visiting-tradition officially started! :D
the lucky number one house is of course mine!
all those leng lui ar.. promised come at 11:30am de..
last last 1pm something only gathered! =.=
then we all keep moving lo.. after my house is vy-vy's house..
had lunch there! :p
then followed by shereen's house, jesz and doink, alex's and lastly cct's house..
the last house is kind of rush.. because everyone want to go back for dinner..
at night supposed to have chit chat session at cct's house, but i didn't go, too tired :p
wanted to go bed early but still, i slept at 2am.. because stupid sempalit don't have water supply during cny..
during the noon and midnight only got water supply at my place..
so have to wait the water so i can bath and have a good night sleep :)
5th Feb
3rd day of cny.. go no where in the noon..
thought can sleep gao gao in the room de..
mana tau..
10:30am no electricity..
and hot till i wake @.@
nothing goes nice..
then at evening went to Klau for a relative's open house..
then rushed to wen man's open house..
there was gamble session, eating session, photo taking session and gossip session there..
and oh oh, fireworks session there..
we played fireworks like children! so cute! xD

6th feb
very last event before all of us start our hectic life in work or college..
had lou sang session at marrybrown..
yeah, its marrybrown..
and no, marrybrown does not offer any lao sang package..
its us who bring in the yu sang and lau at there..
thanks yue for sponsoring the yu sang :) muahx!
imagine all those people who ate fried chicken there look at you one kind when u stand up and shout all those 'cny words' and lao sang..
lolx.. funny eh

and conclusion that agreed by all is the bunny year is so happening!
the holiday was so short but thanks to our planner doink, we utilize the time wisely! :)
most happening cny among all the years..
hope the next year cny can break this record :)
6th feb is also the last day i stayed at raub..
have to go back to college for study again..
had a long chit chat with mama at the night, since during the big day both of us were busy..
7th feb
it was the day to go back to college..
still in cny mood.. can't focus well..
8th feb
went to midvalley..
dear bought me a diamond ring from Gold Heart..
a pair of rings cost almost rm1000!!!!
crazy.. i never ask for such expensive ring!
but dear said better buy it for me before i start asking for a couple tee la, a couple mug la, a couple bracelet la and so on..
better 'shut' all my request at one time wor!
we have to order and wait the ring for two months because somebody's finger is too fat! :p
10th feb
i dont know why he asked me for a valentine dinner today..
and we went to secret recipe nilai (yes, again there) for valentine dinner..
nothing special..
no doll up myself for few hours in front of the mirror, no special dress, no nothing..
a simple dinner..
and he gave me a surprise gift!
a watch!!
i was planning to take back my spoiled watch for a repair but now i got a new one :)
thank you so much dear! :))
12th feb
went to florence's house..
first time went to a college friend's house..
thanks for inviting, florence :)
her mum's nasi lemak was the best!
and that day i knew that florence is actually a gambler!
thats why there is a proverb : don't judge a book by its cover!
you can never know a person by her look! :p
and that's all happened till today..
thats all for the cny and valentine..
my study was in a mess from after cny till now..
i dont know what's the lecturer was lecturing about and i did not even do my homework!
even my preparation for the FR quiz yesterday was not good!
it was all in a mess..
so today, since i had only one hour class (sucks timetable), i decided to clean up my room and get my notes organized..
i like super neat environment for studying..
and then i will start with my revision and tutorials!
have to catch up!
no more mess after this!
aka aka fighting! :)
and i am going back tomorrow..
have no chance to eat 'nian gao' during the cny, so going to eat it this weekend! muahaha!!
time passed.. today is the chap goh mei, its the end of cny..
sweet memories will stay in mind forever and i will still chase for better moments with all my beloved! :)
hmm.. think that i should stop now..
had been start updating the blog at 9:15pm and it is 11:45pm now!
have to study!
will update soon! :)
tata world!
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